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Hills Showground Station Precinct

The Hills Showground Station Precinct is one of eight station precincts along the Sydney Metro Northwest urban corridor along the new Sydney Metro Northwest Line.

In November 2019, Landcom, on behalf of Sydney Metro, submitted a State Significant Development concept application for a mixed-use development adjacent to the Hills Showground metro station.

The concept proposal for the Hills Showground Station Precinct was approved by the Executive Director, Industry and Key Sites, as delegate to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces in January 2021. The project was approved under the Horizon Projects program.

The Hills Showground Station Precinct proposal will provide up to 1,620 new homes, 5% of which would be affordable housing.

The approved concept proposal for the mixed-use precinct includes:

  • three development blocks (Precinct West, Doran Drive Precinct and Precinct East)
  • building envelopes of varying heights between three to 21 storeys (12 m to 68 m)
  • a maximum total gross floor area (GFA) of 166,486 m2, consisting:
    • a maximum residential GFA of 152,546 m2
    • a maximum non-residential GFA of 13,940 m2
  • a maximum of 1,620 dwellings (including a minimum 5% affordable housing)
  • a maximum of 1,957 car and 705 bicycle spaces
  • public domain improvements, public open space and a new road
  • establishment of Urban Design Guidelines and a Design Excellence Strategy
  • concept subdivision of Lot 56 DP 1253217 (Precinct East).


The concept proposal for Hills Showground Station Precinct was on public exhibition from 13 November 2019 until 10 December 2019. Landcom prepared a formal Response to Submissions (RTS) report, which responded to issues raised by the community, council and other government agencies.

The department carefully considered the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), all submissions and feedback received, and the RTS during the assessment process.

For more information all project documentation, including the EIS and a full list of the conditions of consent, go to Major Projects.

Next steps

Subsequent development applications for the detailed design and construction of the buildings and public domain areas will be submitted separately, and will be subject to a separate assessment process.

For more information about the Hills Showground Station Precinct go to: