A NSW Government website

Kellyville and Bella Vista

TOD rezoning proposal

Housing is a key priority for the NSW Government. Currently, there is a shortage of diverse and affordable homes in well-located areas, close to where people live and work, and close to transport and other amenities.

Kellyville and Bella Vista have been identified as accelerated precincts under the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) Program.

The Kellyville and Bella Vista precincts, including Stanhope Gardens and Glenwood, are well-positioned to support more homes. These precincts are located next to metro stations and are within walking distance of key public transport interchanges, promoting walking and cycling opportunities. The planning and delivery of new infrastructure means the Kellyville and Bella Vista precincts can support more homes under the TOD program.

As part of the TOD program, we have reviewed the planning controls in Kellyville and Bella Vista to determine which areas of the precincts are suitable to support more homes.

Key features

Key features of the draft Kellyville and Bella Vista TOD rezoning proposal include:

  • capacity for up to 20,700 additional homes within the precinct close to Kellyville and Bella Vista Metro stations
  • a mandatory affordable housing contribution of between 3–8% for all new residential development in the precinct, delivering between 620–1,650 affordable homes in perpetuity, managed by a registered Community Housing Provider
  • potential for new open space, pathways and cycleways within the rezoned areas.

Have your say

View the proposal and supporting documents and make a submission on the NSW Planning Portal.

Your feedback on this draft rezoning proposal is important and will help shape the future of Kellyville and Bella Vista.

Have your say

Information sessions

A webinar and face-to-face community sessions will be held where you can hear from representatives from the department about the proposal and ask any questions you may have. Register to join us:

Community in-person session

Date: 23 July 2024

Time: 4 pm to 7 pm

Location: Valentine Sports Park (Futsalroo Room), 235–257 Meurants Lane, Glenwood

Interpreter: Mandarin interpreter

Date: 29 July 2024

Time: 3 pm to 7 pm

Location: Valentine Sports Park (Futsalroo Room), 235–257 Meurants Lane, Glenwood

Interpreter: Mandarin interpreter

Webinar – 18 July 2024

The department's planning team discussed the draft rezoning proposal at the online community information session.

Proposed policy changes to streamline development assessment

We are proposing policy changes to streamline development assessment and speed up housing delivery in the 8 TOD accelerated precincts.

The proposed reforms aim to ensure a consistent approach to both rezoning and assessment across the precincts.

An explanation of intended effect (EIE) outlining the proposed changes is on exhibition for public feedback until 5 pm Friday 9 August 2024.

To see the EIE and make a submission on the proposed policy changes, please visit the NSW Planning Portal.

What happens next

We’ve worked in close consultation with The Hills Shire Council, Blacktown City Council and other government agencies to prepare this draft rezoning proposal.

Given their close proximity, the department combined the master planning and draft rezoning for the Kellyville and Bella Vista precincts. This has ensured we could consider the impacts of growth and identify infrastructure needed to support new homes in these precincts.

Feedback provided through the exhibition period will be reviewed. Post-exhibition changes may be made to the rezoning proposal to ensure the views of the community and stakeholders are accurately reflected in the final proposal.

What has happened

In 2013, the North West Rail Link Corridor Strategy was finalised, including Kellyville and Bella Vista. This strategy proposed a potential of 23,000 homes across both precincts.

In 2017, Kellyville and Bella Vista were rezoned to enable up to 8,400 homes to be delivered across the 2 precincts. This was primarily due to concerns there was not enough infrastructure within the area to support additional growth.

Since 2017, several major infrastructure upgrades have been completed including the new Sydney Metro North West line, upgrades to key roads and school infrastructure, and a NSW Government commitment to build a new hospital at Rouse Hill.

For more information:

Frequently asked questions

How will traffic and congestion be managed?

We engaged a transport and traffic consultant to assess the implications of the rezoning and proposed growth. This assessment identified enhancements to improve connectivity to the existing metro stations. We are seeking your feedback on these enhancements during exhibition.

What does the TOD mean for community title lots in Stanhope Gardens?

Stanhope Gardens contains several Community Title schemes which offer a mix of detached dwellings and townhouses.

To provide opportunities to redevelop Stanhope Gardens, the land in the area will need to be amalgamated and agreed upon by 100% of landowners. The department will discuss the intention further with landowners in the area.

How will open space be prioritised to support growth?

The delivery of new open space and parks to support growth in Kellyville and Bella Vista is an important component of this proposal. An analysis that provides options for improving the quality of existing open space and the delivery of new open space is included in our exhibition material. Following public exhibition, we will review the feedback provided by the community and stakeholders, and finalise an open space delivery plan.

How will infrastructure be prioritised to support growth?

The department has identified several opportunities for new active transport, new open spaces and improvements to existing open spaces and community facilities to support proposed growth. We are seeking your feedback during exhibition on these opportunities.

Following exhibition, the department will work with The Hills Shire Council and Blacktown City Council to ensure additional growth resulting from the TOD rezoning is supported by updated contributions plans for the delivery of local infrastructure such as roads, parks and cycleways.

The new Housing and Productivity Contribution (HPC) will levy contributions towards providing state and regional infrastructure such as roads, hospitals and schools. The NSW Government has also committed $520 million to provide active transport links and good quality public open spaces in the TOD precincts.

Will low- and mid-rise housing reforms apply to sites that are not rezoned under the TOD program?

Any ‘accelerated precinct’ under the TOD program including Kellyville and Bella Vista are proposed to be excluded from:

  • planning controls introduced under the TOD State Environmental Planning Policy
  • changes to create low- and mid-rise housing recently introduced by the NSW Government
  • low risk concurrence and referrals.

In addition, an alternative design excellence pathway for proponents is being developed as a well as a new temporary state significant development (SSD) category for residential development that is valued above $60 million. This threshold is proposed to complement existing SSD thresholds.

What is the boundary for the Kellyville Bella Vista precinct?

The NSW Government indicated the TOD accelerated precincts will deliver housing within 1,200 m of transport hubs. Detailed investigations have defined the precinct boundary, which is typically smaller than a 1,200 m radius from transport hubs. This will enable more homes to be located within easy walking distance of key public transport hubs, promoting active transport opportunities, such as cycling and reducing reliance on other modes of personal transport.

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Final rezoning plan


The North West Rail Link Corridor Strategy was finalised.

Late 2015 to early 2016

The final rezoning plans were informed by feedback received through community consultation.



Read the finalisation reports and structure plan for more information.

State Significant Development Applications


In 2019, concept State Significant Development Applications (SSDAs) were submitted for NSW Government-owned land adjacent to Kellyville and Bella Vista stations. These were approved in December 2022.

TOD Program


To identify any areas within the precinct that will benefit from an update to existing planning controls to facilitate TOD.

Draft rezoning proposal

July 2024

A draft rezoning proposal is available for public comment.

Response to submissions

Mid to late-2024

Feedback provided through the exhibition will be reviewed, and a report outlining the key themes raised during the exhibition, and what we are doing to respond, will be released.


Late 2024

The rezoning proposal is finalised and, if approved, new zoning comes into effect.