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Partnerships play an important role in helping us green our city.

We partner with organisations, local government and businesses to deliver healthier, happier and more resilient communities by making greener places and great public spaces.

Our partnerships are greening Sydney by:

  • supporting tree-planting at public places, including schools and hospitals
  • encouraging innovative tree-planting practices to enhance urban tree canopy
  • helping inspire individuals to play a part and plant trees in their own backyard
  • bringing community together at tree-planting events
  • celebrating tree-planting contributions from private organisations
  • championing cross-government collaboration to green Greater Sydney as part of the Secretaries’ pledge.

Partnership programs

We have partnered with Landcare NSW, Greening Australia, Planet Ark, IndigiGrow and Bunnings Warehouse to help increase the tree canopy and green cover across Greater Sydney.

Programs made possible by working together:

  • Nature in Cities, Sydney – combining the Cooling the Schools and Rewilding Sydney programs - in partnership with Greening Australia
  • Creating Canopies in partnership with Landcare NSW
  • Proud category partner of Planet Ark’s National Tree Day since 2020
  • Free tree giveaway

Our partners


The new partnership with Landcare and Greater Sydney Landcare will deliver 200,000 trees by the end of 2025 in areas of Greater Sydney with less than 30 per canopy cover. The Creating Canopies project continues and expands on the initial project in Greater Sydney, which saw more than 100,000 new trees planted from 2020 – 2022. Track the Creating Canopies plantings across Greater Sydney.

Greening Australia

The partnership with Greening Australia involves working with schools and communities to plant 200,000 trees by the end of 2025 through the Nature in Cities, Sydney project, which is made up of:

  • a new Rewilding Sydney program that will create a network of biodiverse, cooling corridors on public and private land across Greater Sydney.
  • the continuation of the Cooling the Schools program, by working with students and teachers to establish native gardens with a shade focus in primary and secondary schools in the Greater Sydney Region, with the support of the Department of Education.

The Cooling the Schools program delivered 87,000 trees across parks, schools and community spaces across Greater Sydney from 2020 – 2022.

Planet Ark

We are proud to be a Category Partner of Planet Ark's National Tree Day since 2020. This sponsorship recognises the close alignment between  our objectives and those of the most recognised community tree-planting event in Australia.


In 2021 and 2022, we proudly partnered with IndigiGrow – an all - Aboriginal owned, staffed and run nursery in La Perouse for our free tree giveaway. IndigiGrow grows local native plants and bushfoods, which creates training and employment opportunities for young Aboriginal staff and provides a place for the community to connect with cultural knowledge.

Our partnership with IndigiGrow brought trees to 4,000 households in Greater Sydney.

Bunnings Warehouse

In 2020 – 2022, we collaborated with Bunnings for our free tree giveaway, making free trees available to more than 25,000 households in Greater Sydney. The free tree giveaway helped inspire individuals to plant more trees in their own backyard to create more shade and cooler suburbs for everyone.

Partnership opportunities

If you're interested in discussing partnership opportunities, contact the team on [email protected].