State of Stone

Celebrating the Minister’s Stonework Program

Workers involved in the Minister's Stonework Program. Credit: Sebastian Photography

The NSW Government has custodianship of over 800 heritage assets built of sandstone. They include courthouses, hospitals, lighthouses, schools, colleges, government offices, landscape features, monuments, memorials and statues.

Specialist care for these assets is the purpose of the Minister's Stonework Program, an innovative, multi-award-winning industry leader administered and managed by Heritage Environment and Planning (HEP) NSW Public Works, on behalf of the Government Architect.

State of Stone – Celebrating the Minister’s Stonework Program (PDF, 36.7 MB), is a visual publication celebrating the many achievements and accolades of the program, the people who have driven and contributed to this important heritage initiative, and the outcomes it has delivered for NSW for over 30 years.

The book serves as a source of information and inspiration to those interested in the continued care and protection of sandstone-built heritage in NSW.

Read the book

State of Stone – Celebrating the Minister's Stonework Program

Purchase the book

A limited number of hard copies of the book are available for purchase for $120, plus postage.

If you are interested in purchasing the book, phone the NSW Public Works’ Plan Services on 1300 770 995 or email [email protected]