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Macquarie Park

Stage 2 – TOD rezoning proposal

Macquarie Park Innovation Precinct Stage 2 Rezoning Proposal

Housing is a key priority for the NSW Government. Currently, there is a shortage of diverse and affordable homes in well-located areas.

Macquarie Park has been identified as a priority high growth area under the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) Program due to having capacity to support an increase in population and additional housing growth, close to a transport hub and other essential amenities.

The Macquarie Park TOD builds on the vision of the Macquarie Park Place Strategy and Macquarie Park Stage 1 rezoning, so we can deliver more homes sooner and enhance the vibrancy of the existing precinct.

The Macquarie Park TOD rezoning proposal is now on exhibition for feedback until 5 pm Friday 9 August 2024.

Key features

The key features of the draft Macquarie Park TOD rezoning proposal include:

  • up to 4,622 additional homes close to three metro stations – Macquarie University, Macquarie Park and North Ryde
  • mandatory affordable housing contribution of between 10–15% for all new residential development in the precinct, to deliver between 460–690 affordable homes in perpetuity, managed by a registered Community Housing Provider
  • new innovation, commercial, office and retail spaces
  • flexibility to use E2 Commercial Centre zoned land to deliver an additional 5,096 Build-to-Rent homes
  • potential for new public open spaces, and a new district park
  • new social infrastructure, public domain improvements, up to 40% tree canopy and water sensitive urban design features
  • better connectivity for walking and cycling, and road upgrades
  • higher density on fewer sites to retain the integrity of the vision of the Macquarie Park Place Strategy for commercial and innovative uses.

The Macquarie Park TOD will bring the Macquarie Park Place Strategy to life, creating new connections, open spaces, jobs, and homes, increasing its attractiveness as a place to do business, study, and invest in, and bringing life and activity – day and night to Macquarie Park.

We are working closely with the City of Ryde to deliver the rezoning of the TOD. Other government agencies such as Transport for NSW, and technical environmental experts, have also contributed to ensuring the effective planning of this proposal.

Have your say

View the proposal and supporting documents and make a submission on the NSW Planning Portal.

Your feedback on this draft rezoning proposal is important and will help shape the future of Macquarie Park.

Have your say

Information sessions

For more information, register to join one of our information sessions:


Date: Monday 22 July 2024

Time: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

Community in-person sessions

Date: Thursday 25 July 2024

Time: 4 pm to 7 pm

Location: Robert Menzies College (Trinity Chapel Macquarie), 136 Herring Road, Macquarie Park

Interpreter: Mandarin interpreter

Proposed policy changes to streamline development assessment

We are proposing policy changes to streamline development assessment and speed up housing delivery in the 8 TOD accelerated precincts.

The proposed reforms aim to ensure a consistent approach to both rezoning and assessment across the precincts.

An explanation of intended effect (EIE) outlining the proposed changes is on exhibition for public feedback until 5 pm Friday 9 August 2024.

To see the EIE and make a submission on the proposed policy changes, please visit the NSW Planning Portal.

Macquarie Park Innovation Precinct Stage 1 Rezoning Proposal

We last spoke to the community in 2023 on a rezoning proposal for Stage 1 of the Macquarie Park Innovation Precinct for 3,060 new homes. We are currently finalising the Stage 1 rezoning proposal, which is due to be completed later in 2024.

View the Macquarie Park Innovation Precinct map (PDF, 991 KB) outlining the land included in Stage 1 rezoning.

Read the Stage 1 planning documents on the NSW Planning Portal.

Take a tour of the proposed changes for Macquarie Park Innovation Precinct Stage 1.

Macquarie Park Place Strategy

In 2022, the Macquarie Park Place Strategy was finalised to guide the renewal of Macquarie Park into a world-class business and innovation precinct, with approximately 20,000 jobs and 7,650 homes.

Find out more about the place strategy and how we responded to feedback by reading our What We Heard report and the Finalisation report on the NSW Planning Portal.

Previously completed precincts include:

  • Epping Town Centre
  • Macquarie University Station
  • North Ryde Station.

Subscribe to receive project updates


Place Strategy finalisation

Sep 2022

A Ministerial Direction requires future planning proposals for the precinct to be consistent with the place strategy and master plan.

Stage 1 rezoning studies

Sep 2022–2023

Detailed master planning and proposed rezoning will introduce new planning controls to guide future development of 3 neighbourhoods.

Stage 1 rezoning exhibition

Nov 2023–Dec 2023

Feedback from the exhibition informed the final rezoning package and new planning controls for the neighbourhoods.

Stage 1 submissions review and finalisation

Dec 2023–Q3 2024

Finalisation of the rezoning package including updates to planning controls.

TOD (Stage 2) rezoning exhibition

July 2024

Feedback from the exhibition informs the final rezoning package and new planning controls for neighbourhoods.

TOD (Stage 2) submissions review and finalisation

End 2024

Finalisation of the rezoning package including updates to planning controls.