The Albury to Illabo section of the Inland Rail project consists of upgrade works to structures and sections of track along 185 km of existing operational rail corridor from the Victorian/New South Wales border to Illabo in regional NSW.
The project would provide enough clearance of the existing ‘Main South Line’ corridor to operate up to 1,800 m long and 6.5 m high trains and support the safe running of double-stacked freight trains.
The key features of the proposal will include upgrades to:
- rail tracks
- footbridges and road bridges
- overhead structures
- signal structures
- level crossings.
Works will take place on the existing track from Albury to Illabo. This track passes through the towns of Albury, Culcairn, Henty, Yerong Creek, The Rock, Uranquinty, Wagga Wagga and Junee. View the project map.
What happens next
The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has prepared a Preferred Infrastructure Report (PIR) which includes updated traffic, noise and air quality assessments of the proposal. The PIR is on public exhibition from 15 November to 6 December 2023. To view the PIR and make a submission, please visit the Major Projects page.
For more information on the Albury to Illabo section of the Inland Rail project go to:
To download a map which provides an overview of each section of the project between Melbourne and Brisbane, go to Inland Rail.