North West Growth Area Implementation Plan

North West Growth Area

The Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan (LUIIP) (PDF, 2.4 MB) will help create vibrant, attractive and well connected communities, where people can live and work with good access to public transport, community facilities, open spaces, shops and cafes.

What’s happened so far

We consulted in 2017 on the LUIIP and proposed changes to legislation and exhibited the related dwelling density band amendments to the Growth Centres SEPP. Thank you to everyone who put in a submission or completed a survey.

Minor amendments to State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 (Growth Centres SEPP) for a number of the precincts in the North West Growth Area have been made following exhibition.

The amendments to the Growth Centres SEPP include changing maps to ensure they are consistent with approved development applications and planning proposals.

Minor text amendments have also been made, please read the finalisation report (PDF, 3.3 MB) for more information.

The submissions and documents are available on the NSW Planning Portal.

What’s happening next

We are considering the outcome of this exhibition period. We will make updates to the LUIPP based on the community’s feedback and engage with the community when the final plan is released.

We are currently finalising the amendments to the Growth Centres SEPP.