A NSW Government website

Advertising and signage

Planning controls for advertising and signage in NSW are set out in chapter 3 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Industry and Employment) 2021.

The policy requires signage to be compatible with:

  • the future character of an area
  • provide effective communication in suitable locations
  • be of high-quality design and finish.

The SEPP also provides time-limited consents and controls advertising in transport corridors.

Controls to advance road safety by reducing driver distraction appear in State Environmental Planning Policy No 64 – Advertising and Signage (Amendment No 3) (PDF, 139 KB) and Transport Corridor Outdoor Advertising and Signage Guidelines (November 2017) (PDF, 1.4 MB).

Penalty notices for illegal parked trailer advertisements are controlled via the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Penalty Notices for Parked Trailer Advertisements) Regulation 2017 (PDF, 77 KB).