A NSW Government website

Crows Nest

TOD rezoning proposal

Housing is a key priority for the NSW Government. Currently, there is a shortage of diverse and affordable homes in well-located areas, close to where people live and work, and close to transport and other amenities.

With the St Leonards and Crows Nest 2036 Plan approved, Crows Nest was identified as an accelerated precinct area due to having capacity to support an increase in population and additional housing growth, close to a transport hub and other essential amenities under the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) Program.

Have your say on the Crows Nest TOD rezoning proposal by 5 pm Friday 16 August 2024. Your feedback will help create a vibrant and thriving town centre for current and future generations.

The Crows Nest TOD rezoning will support the renewal of St Leonards and Crows Nest into a vibrant community that caters for the needs of people of all ages, with a diverse range of homes supported by open spaces, community services, cafes, restaurants, and unique local retail experiences.

Key features

Key features of the rezoning proposal include:

  • capacity for up to 3,255 new homes within walking distance of the St Leonards train and Crows Nest metro stations
  • mandatory affordable housing contributions of 10–15% for all new residential development in the precinct, delivering between 325–488 affordable homes in perpetuity and managed by a registered Community Housing Provider
  • capacity for 2,600 new jobs
  • better connectivity for walking and cycling, and road upgrades
  • increase tree canopy to maintain the leafy character of the St Leonards and Crows Nest precinct.

Have your say

Have your say on the Crows Nest TOD rezoning proposal by 5 pm Friday 16 August 2024. View the proposal and supporting documents and make a submission on the NSW Planning Portal.

Your feedback on this draft rezoning proposal is important and will help shape the future of Crows Nest.

Have your say

Information sessions

We are holding a webinar and face-to-face community sessions to explain the proposal and allow you to ask any questions you may have. Register to join us:

Date: Tuesday 30 July 2024

Time: 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Date: Thursday 1 August and Tuesday 6 August 2024

Time: 4 pm to 7 pm

Location: Northside Conference Centre (Urban Garden Room), Corner Oxley Street and Pole Lane, Crows Nest

What happens next

During exhibition, the Department will consult with landowners, residents, businesses and other stakeholders to provide information to inform submissions.

Once exhibition closes, submissions will be reviewed and analysed and taken into consideration in finalising the plan, expected in quarter 4, 2024.

Proposed policy changes to streamline development assessment

We are proposing policy changes to streamline development assessment and speed up housing delivery in the 8 TOD accelerated precincts.

The proposed reforms aim to ensure a consistent approach to both rezoning and assessment across the precincts.

An explanation of intended effect (EIE) outlining the proposed changes is on exhibition for public feedback until 5 pm Friday 9 August 2024.

To see the EIE and make a submission on the proposed policy changes, please visit the NSW Planning Portal.

St Leonards and Crows Nest 2036 Plan

In August 2020 the St Leonards and Crows Nest 2036 Plan was finalised. This comprehensive land use and infrastructure package guides future development and infrastructure decisions in the area to 2036. As part of the 2036 Plan, a rezoning proposal was also prepared for the Crows Nest Metro sites to amend the site’s planning controls in the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013.

You can find out more information on the 2036 Plan via the NSW Planning Portal at St Leonards and Crows Nest Planning Package and Crows Nest Sydney Metro Station.

Since finalisation of the 2036 Plan, individual planning proposals have been progressed through local councils and development applications have been submitted and approved within the 2036 Plan area.

The Herbert St, St Leonards site was subject to a separate master planning process by the Department, however, has now been incorporated into the TOD to provide a holistic rezoning approach for the wider Crows Nest and St Leonards area.

Find out more and have your say on the NSW Planning Portal.

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St Leonards and Crows Nest 2036 Plan

August 2020

The St Leonards and Crows Nest 2036 Plan was finalised.

Preparation of rezoning proposal

Early to mid-2024

A rezoning package will be prepared.

Rezoning proposal exhibition


The rezoning proposal will be made available for public feedback.

Response to submissions

Mid-late 2024

A report outlining the key themes raised during exhibition and what we are doing to respond.

Rezoning finalisation


The rezoning proposal is finalised and, if approved, new zoning comes into effect.