Draft Greener Places Design Guide

How to design, plan and implement green infrastructure in urban areas throughout NSW

Person walking in a park opposite a row of terrace houses. Credit: Government Architect NSW

The Draft Greener Places Design Guide (PDF, 3.4 MB) covers how to design, plan and implement green infrastructure in urban areas throughout NSW. It provides strategies, performance criteria and recommendations to help planning authorities and design and development communities deliver green infrastructure.

The guide supports the Government Architect’s Greener Places framework.

Open space for recreation

The guide provides a framework for improved public open space planning. It outlines the delivery of better quality, easily accessible open space for recreation that keeps pace with expected population growth and increased density in urban areas.

Urban tree canopy

This guide provides recommendations for planning and improving urban tree canopy. It addresses all levels of government and encourages a collaborative interagency approach. The aim is to empower local government and state agencies to produce evidence-based approaches that preserve and enhance the urban tree canopy.

Connecting bushlands and waterways

This guide provides a framework for improving connectivity between bushlands and waterways supporting habitat and biodiversity in urban areas. It promotes the connection of people to nature within a sustainable environment.

Public consultation on the guide

The draft guide was publicly exhibited in 2020. Thanks to all who provided feedback.

Download the Draft Greener Places Design Guide – Consultation Report (PDF, 1.1 MB) for a summary of what we heard from public consultation.