A NSW Government website

Design competitions

Achieving design excellence and good design outcomes through competitive design processes

In NSW, environmental planning instruments such as local environmental plans or state environmental planning policies may require a project to demonstrate 'design excellence'.

Within the planning system, the term design excellence refers to both a process and an outcome. Design excellence clauses in environmental planning instruments are typically applied to projects that are prominent for physical or cultural reasons.

These design excellence requirements can be triggered by factors such as the location of the project, capital investment value, building height or lot size. Because design excellence is connected to project prominence, it implies a higher standard of design quality than 'good design' and is often described as 'the highest standard of architectural, urban and landscape design'.

Holding a design competition is a well-tested and proven procurement model. Competitions can help prioritise good design and bring the highest quality of thinking and originality to a project.

The Government Architect NSW has developed Design Competition Guidelines providing practical, consistent, clear and fair advice on how to plan, deliver and participate in design competitions when required under an environmental planning instrument.