A NSW Government website

Stage 2 Detailed design

Pitt Street North Over Station Development

The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces approved the construction and operation of a new commercial tower above the northern entrance of the new Sydney Metro Pitt Street Station in February 2021.

The development will inject $326 million into the economy while creating 620 construction jobs and 4,000 operational jobs once the project is completed.

The approved Stage 2 works will include:

  • the design, construction and operation of a new commercial building with a maximum height of 39 storeys (RL 176.8 m)
  • 55,743 m2 of gross floor area (including station floorspace)
  • pedestrian entrances to the over station development (OSD) from located Pitt Street and Castlereagh Street
  • commercial lobby and amenities including end of trip facilities
  • retail tenancies
  • 40 car parking spaces within the podium relating to the OSD commercial use
  • shared vehicle loading and service facilities
  • private landscaped terraces on levels 10 and 11 to support the commercial OSD use for the occupants of those levels
  • signage zones
  • staged stratum subdivision.

Consultation and assessment

The Environmental Impact Statement was on public exhibition until from until 23 July 2020 19 August 2020.

Sydney Metro prepared a formal Response to Submissions (RTS) report, which responded to issues raised by the community, council and other government agencies.

The department considered the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), all submissions received, and the RTS during the assessment process.

The project was approved in February 2021 as part of the Horizon Projects program.

For more information about the Pitt Street North over station development go to: