A NSW Government website

Stage 1 Concept

Victoria Cross Over Station Development

Sydney Metro have awarded Lendlease the contract to deliver the Victoria Cross Metro station and Over Station Development (OSD), including a building envelope for a commercial development above the station’s southern entrance at the intersection of Miller and Berry Streets, new retail spaces and improvements to the public domain.

In October 2019, as a result of ongoing design development between Lendlease and Sydney Metro, Lendlease submitted a modification application to amend the approved Stage 1 State Significant Development (SSD), seeking consent to:

  • reduce the massing and overall dimensions of the cantilever over the Miller Street special area setback
  • relocate the building massing from the low-rise portions to the high-rise portion of the envelope
  • reduce the Berry Street setback from 5 metres to 4.5 m
  • increase the maximum gross floor area from 60,000 m2 to 61,500 m2.


Approval granted

The modification application was on exhibition until 28 November 2019.

The department has considered feedback received from the community, government agencies and other stakeholders during the public exhibition period.

Our assessment took in to account environmental, social and economic impacts of the proposal, and as a result have determined that the proposal should be approved. To accompany the consent, we have recommended a suite of conditions to address community concerns and ensure the impacts of the development are appropriately managed.

Approval was granted alongside consent for Stage 2 detailed design.

All project documents for the modification application received by the department to date are available at Major Projects.

Victoria Cross station map

Victoria Cross station map

For more information about Victoria Cross Over Station Development, go to Major Projects.

For more information about Victoria Cross Metro station, go to Sydney Metro.