A NSW Government website

Stage 2 Detailed design

Victoria Cross Over Station Development

The Stage 2 detailed State Significant Development (SSD) application, for the construction and use of the commercial office tower above the Victoria Cross Metro station, was approved by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces in July 2020.

The development will create between 400 and 600 construction jobs and office space for more than 4000 workers. The office tower is part of the Victoria Cross Metro project that will deliver a high-quality, public spaces within the heart of North Sydney CBD.

The integrated station development at the new Victoria Cross Metro station will double public open space near the tower and create a continuous civic green spine along Miller Street, featuring landscaped terraces, outdoor dining, casual seating areas and pedestrian paths.

Accompanying the approval are key conditions of consent, which will:

  • ensure design excellence is maintained during construction
  • guide a 6 Star Green Star rating for the development (Ecological Sustainable Development)
  • require appropriate community stakeholder engagement when preparing the operational management plan for the Hub
  • safeguard a potential underground connection with the MLC Building, assisting Council’s vision to pedestrianise Denison Street.

All project documents received by the department to date, including the EIS, are available at Major Projects.

Next steps

The proposal was approved under the Planning System Acceleration Program, and construction is expected to begin within 6 months of approval.

For more information about Victoria Cross Over Station Development, go to Major Projects.

For more information about Victoria Cross Metro station, go to Sydney Metro.