The NSW Government has awarded contracts to a consortium of Oxford Properties, CPB Contractors and Grocon to deliver the new station and two new buildings above to form a vibrant new commercial and residential hub around Pitt and Bathurst Streets.
In June 2020, Oxford Properties submitted a Stage 2 State Significant Development (SSD) application seeking approval for the construction and operation of a new residential building above the south entrance of the new Sydney Metro Pitt Street Station.
The Stage 2 SSD application seeks approval for:
- the design, construction and operation of a new residential building with a maximum building height of 39 storeys (RL 165.15m)
- 21,995 square metres of gross floor area including residential accommodation and podium retail premises, excluding station floor space
- residential communal facilities, residential storage, bicycle parking, and operational back of house uses
- landscaping
- signage zones
- stratum subdivision
- shared vehicle loading and service facilities on the ground floor.
Consultation and assessment
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was on public exhibition from 4 June until 1 July 2020.
The EIS lists mitigation measures for any potential environmental and social impacts that may occur during construction and operation.
The department welcomed feedback from the community, government agencies and other stakeholders during public exhibition.
The department assessed the proposal and, in February 2021, referred it to the Independent Planning Commission (IPC) for a final determination.
For more information about the Pitt Street South over station development go to: