The Concept State Significant Development (SSD) application seeks consent for the broad concept for an Over Station Development (OSD) above the Waterloo Metro Station.
The original concept application for the over station development was approved in December 2019. A full list of the conditions of consent is available at Major Projects.
An Amending Concept application seeks to modify the Concept Approval for the Northern and Central buildings on the site, including:
- replacing multiple building envelopes at the northern end of the site with one consolidated building envelope for an office building
- change of use of the northern building envelope from predominantly residential use to office use
- a reduction of building envelope height at the northern end of the site from 29 storeys to 17 storeys
- a minor increase in the building envelope at the podium of the central building, allowing for increased community facility space adjacent to proposed Cope Street Plaza.
The Concept SSD application does not seek approval for any construction works.
Consultation and feedback
The amending concept application was on exhibition from 5 November 2020 until 2 December 2020.
We welcomed feedback from the community, government agencies and other stakeholders during the public exhibition period. This feedback will be taken into consideration as part of the assessment.
All project documents for the modification application are available at Major Projects.
For more information about the Waterloo Metro Quarter Over Station Development go to: